Keaki (けあき)
服に関わる仕事を始めて 23年…
初めての仕事は ウエディングハットのデザイナーでした
夢一杯で 憧れの仕事スタートしましたが
結婚 出産 育児の為 21歳で退職
その後 和服小物デザイン等 物作りの仕事を続けてきました
30歳過ぎた頃 手に職をつける為 洋服リフォーム業界に飛び入り 持ち合わせた強いイメージ力で 2019年2月14日に
服のトータルケアとカフェを融合させた ”直すカフェ赤い糸”を


Looking back on the 23 years of my career as a seamstress… My dream was to be a designer,
and I started my first job designing wedding hats, full of aspiration.
However, at 21 years old, after marriage and the birth of my first child, I left the job to focus on raising my son.
Still, I continued working at creating and designing things like kimono accessories.
After turning 30, I decided to put these skills toward a working profession
and dove into the alteration business. Exercising my imagination
to creatively fuse the concept of a café with total clothing care “Naosu Café Akai Ito” opened
its doors on February 14, 2019. Akai ito, the red thread of fate,
brings people of the world together, across place and time.